Tysos is a 64-bit operating system written in C#. The kernel is compiled ahead-of-time by tysila, the TYSos Intermediate Language Assembler into native machine code (currently x86_64 code packaged in an ELF-64 object file or i586 or ARM code packaged in an ELF-32 object file). The core of tysila is libtysila, which is again ahead-of-time compiled by tysila itself and then linked with the kernel to provide just-in-time compilation of all further modules and programs. The resultant binary is loaded by TLoad, a stage 2 bootloader in turn loaded by GRUB.
The base design of the 64-bit version of the operating system is a pre-emptive multitasking microkernel with all processes within the same address space. Memory-safety and protection against malicious code are provided by Tysila.