SO3 (Smart Object Oriented) is a compact, extensible and full featured operating system which is particularly suited to embedded systems such as IoT devices, real-time environment, academic development, etc.
SO3 Operating System results from several Years of research and development at REDS (Reconfigurable Embedded Digital Systems) Institute from HEIG-VD, in the field of embedded operating systems and execution environment with ARM 32-bit multicore systems. SO3 has been publicly released in early 2020 (see also HEIG-VD newsletter).
Prof. Daniel Rossier initiated the development of an operating system in 2013 in the context of a Bachelor lecture focusing on the port of operating systems on different embedded platforms. The OS has been constantly evolved and used in other lectures (like operating systems of course) and since 2018 became SO3 to be used as a full migrating execution environment between connected devices; this novel approach leads to the SOO framework which is still in development.