Dexos is one of the fastest operating system available for the x86 PC! Everything in this system is focused
on speed: the architecture, avoidance of virtualization ... everything. And of course, there's the choice
of development language: dexos is written in 100%-pure 32-bit assembly!
From the start, as you would expect from a console like operating system, optimizing for speed has been
of paramount importance in the overall design of dexos. To this end there's no virtual memory paging,
and only a single process is allowed (though that process can spawn multiple threads). The program runs
in ring0, so you have direct access to all hardware (including CPU and graphics). Memory allocation is
the responsibility of the app - there's no front-end memory allocation. The entire operating system will
fit into less than 64KB of memory. dexos can boot from a floppy disk, cd, usb flash drive or directly
from hard drive.