"Aqeous is a new Completely-from-scratch, Not-a-UNIX 32 Bit pmode OS (basically a kernel right now), with SMP style Multi-Processor Support each using Multilevel Feedback Queuing Scheduling, Implementing its own FileSystem AqFS (also made a windows side AqFS Driver to communicate), Pretty good Shell, Pretty Neat VESA Graphics drivers, A Composting window GUI system with double buffering and Alpha-Blending, A primitive Scalable Font Rendering Engine and off-course mouse and keyboard drivers , Shell Scripting Support (like .bat in Windows) etc. Many things are in active development and its still not even in alpha. The Code may look pretty stupid but yeah that won't be that bad for long. The goal is to make something on which u can open facebook and send me a 'Hi' :) Currently It supports only Qemu :( But working on that too." by OSDev.org