AquilaOS is a UNIX-like operating system and many features of typical UNIX systems are included
AquilaOS kernel is monolithic
- supports multitasking and multithreading
- sessions, process groups and job control
- virtual filesystem (vfs)
- devices subsystem (kdev) using major/minor numbers
- memory managment subsystem (with COW and allocate on demand)
Supported filesystems
- initramfs
- tmpfs
- devfs
- devpts
- procfs
- ext2
Supported devices
- i8042 (PS/2 controller),
- i8253/i8254 PIT,
- i8259 (PIC)
- fbdev (VESA 3.0)
- pty
- 8250 (UART)
- PS/2 Keyboard
System consists of aquila specific parts and 3rd part utilities:
aqbox - Aquila Box (like busybox) with the following commands cat, clear, echo, env, login, ls, mkdir, mknod, mount, ps, pwd, sh, stat, uname, unlink
fbterm - Framebuffer based terminal with wallpaper, transparency and Tinyfont support
3rd party utils - tcc (Tiny C Compiler), lua, kilo (Text editor), simplex (programming language)